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In the case of my homelab I’m playing with the Nutanix community Edition on a nested format, so it’s VM hosted on a vSphere environment.
I thought it was useful to write down a quick way to install the VMware Tools if you like me would like to host this on your vSphere homelab, this will enable the possibility to graceful shutdown for example the Nutanix CE VMs.

Remember that in this case is a home lab installation, this is not for Production.

Mount VMware Tool ISO directly from the vSphere Client – VM – Guest OS – Install VMware Tools

Once done that you can connect to the Nutanix CE node via SSH with this credential:
username: root
password: nutanix/4u

Run this command to check if you are seeing correctly the ISO:


After checked this we need to create a mount point in order to see what’s inside and install

mkdir /media/iso
mount /dev/sr0 /media/iso
ls /media/iso

copy VMwareTools-10.3.25-20206839.tar.gz to /root and extract it:

cp /media/iso/VMwareTools-10.3.25-20206839.tar.gz /root/
cd /root
tar -xf VMwareTools-10.3.25-20206839.tar.gz

install the VMware Tools going to the directory and launch the installer

cd vmware-tools-distrib

The installation process will ask you some question regarding the position where install binary files and so on, use the default configuration by pressing RETURN at every step.

After a couple of minutes the installation should be successful 

This end this blogpost regarding VMware Tools installation on Nutanix Community Edition hosted on vSphere, I hope this is useful, feel free to comment

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Giovanni Dominoni's Tech Blog