In the case of my homelab I'm playing with the Nutanix community Edition on a nested format, so it's VM hosted on a vSphere environment.I thought it was useful to...
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A good way to get some knowledge on new things is to try directly, so I thought it was useful to write down how to start with Nutanix Community Edition...
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Configurare l'Asustor FS6706T come Target iSCSI per VMware ESXi Creare un datastore iSCSI su vSphere con un NAS Asustor Se gestisci un homelab con VMware ESXi, utilizzare un NAS come...
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Since I started to play around with the Nutanix Community edition on my Homelab, after the first installation of the cluster I started having issue because I wanted to have...
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Nel mondo dello storage e della protezione dei dati, avere un sistema di backup affidabile è essenziale. In questo articolo ti guiderò nella configurazione di un backup rsync tra due...
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Asustor FS6706T: Il NAS Full-Flash Nel panorama sempre più competitivo dei dispositivi di archiviazione di rete (NAS), Asustor ha rilasciato un prodotto che cattura l’attenzione degli appassionati di tecnologia e...
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Sono passati più di 10 anni da quando ho iniziato a lavorare nel mondo IT, coltivando la passione per le tecnologie di virtualizzazione, con esperienze significative su Windows, VMware, NSX…
This is the fourth part of a series of blogpost related to NSX technology, relative version 4.x.You can find other blogpost from series here:– Part 1 NSX Layers and Architecture–…
As many of you that has an homelab at home, that might be the need to connect to it while you are not at home, maybe for testing quickly one…
The need to learn how the whole VCF thing works is extremely needed now more than ever since is the only way to manage from technical and supportability point of...
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