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If you are facing some Micro-Lockups or Micro-Disconnection on XenApp/XenDesktop 7.x on Windows 2016/Windows 10  hosten on XenServers you should check which version of the xen management agent you have installed on your VMs.
You can do it by following the procedure below:

  • Open Powershell on a VDA/Worker Machine and run the following command to see the version of the xentools installed:
    • Get-WmiObject Win32_PnPSignedDriver | select devicename, driverversion | where {$_.devicename -like “*xenserver*”}

This command should give you as a result the version of the drivers installed on windows for the xen network virtual interfaces.

Should be something like on the image below

The images is showing the latest drivers (December 2019) that basically fix a lot of issue and in my case fixed everything regarding the micro disconnection that were impacting all the user experience via Citrix XenApp 7.15.

If you are facing something like I strongly reccomend to check and download the latest version of the xentools, you can find them on this page:

I also reccommend to you to check if you have the latest driver version on the XenServer components, this page could be useful:

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Giovanni Dominoni's Tech Blog