Upgrade External PSC HA 6.5 to 6.7 part3 vCenter
In this third and fourth article I will focus on the vCenter appliance upgrade.
If you miss the previous articles of this series you can just jump back to them by clicking on this two links:
As I did on the previous article I need to attach the 6.7 ISO file to a Windows VM that has connectivity with my vCenter/PSCs and start the wizard by click on the Upgrade button.
As I did before with the PSCs we need to insert all the info related to the source appliance and where the new appliance will be deployed. In my case I have, let’s say a “Main” vCenter that basically hosts all of my stuff and It manages all the nested vCenter/PSC appliances and ESXi. The Upgrade process is similar to the PSC, is a two step process:
- first the deploy of the new appliance
- then start the migration from the old to the new one
In the second window insert all the information related to the target where the new appliance will be deployed
Select the destination folder from the target inventory
Select the Cluster or the Host in the target
Set up the VM name and root password
Select the Deployment Size
Select the Datastore
Configure the network settings with the temporary IP
Review all the information and click on next
Wait until the appliance deployment completion
Appliance succefully deployed.
This will conclude the deploy stage. The conclusion of the upgrade is written in the last article, if you are interested you can read it on the part4.
See you soon